The sneakers were present in ModaLisboa 2022

he exhibition focused on five action poles of the footwear and components industry in terms of raw materials – biodegradables, leather, recycled plastic and nature’s waste. was there to present their sneakers made from steel and coffee grounds to tennis balls, apples and tencel, the main materials that the company incorporates into its products.
According to Apiccaps, portuguese shoes show Moda Lisboa attendants that the only way that brands can support sustainability is by having a well planned strategy, and the willingness to innovate. was part of the 23 brands that joined the Portuguese Shoes Association, Apiccaps, to show that sustainable shoes can make the difference in fashion.
This message is “in accordance to’s philosophy”, says the founder of the brand, “As a brand we want to make the difference in the fashion industry, we hope that more people can join to our mission and wear proudly on their daily lives”, explains Jorge Fernandes.

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